WeatherAction Tuesday 22 Oct 2024

Partial Eclipse Superstorms Celestial Fireworks Where is the world going? December frost And even the sun came out

News Archive

WANews19No05 WeatherActionWarns13wkAheadHeatwaveStormsQuakesVolcanoeJun26toJul12
pdf shows hearwave BI Eu end June start July success of 13wk ahead WeatherAction forecast and also warns of extra quakes, volcanism etc in R5 period July 8-11+-1d. This will also be a "FRD period" - of Tropical storm Formation &/or Rapid Development.

WANews18No04 Piers Corbyn challenges Imperial climate charlatans+warns more cold blasts
WANews18No04 Piers Corbyn challenges Imperial College Climate charlatans for evidence & Warns of more cold blasts this Spring. GET forecasts for Spring BI Eu Usa - MustHave for anyone serious about weather

WANews17No32 WeatherAction Hurricane-Typhoons Brilliant 12-15 Sept
WANews17No32 ASESSMENT of WeatherAction Tropical Storms, Hurricanes + Typhoon forecasts for SEPT 12-15+-1d, 1st forecast period Sept 2017 Results 13.5/16=84%

WANews17No20 Br+Ir LateMay High split and Deluges confirmed
WANews17No20 Late-May Br+Ir High split and Deluges 28May-1June confirm WeatherAction 90d general warnings and 30d ahead detail

WANews17No15 PiersSaysJawMustPrevailOverWar+ClimateFightbackVital
WANews17No15 April 12th Piers Corbyn Says JawJaw Must Prevail Over WarWar + Climate Fight back Vital in building Trump-Putin co-operation and peace

WANews17No5 Globalization now in terminal crisis says Piers Corbyn
WANews17No5. Globalization is now in terminal crisis! says Piers Corbyn astrophysicist and Director ManMade ClimateChange - #FakeScience and the fakest of all #FakeNews - a key ideological linchpin of globalization - is now broken.....

WANews16No20 Late Aug Minnesota storms confirm Weatheraction 30d ahead
WeatherAction predicted Minnesota Storms August ~29-31+/-1d from 30d ahead in USA forecast

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