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World Leaders in Long-Range forecasting,

Delta House, 175-177 Borough High St. London SE1 1HR (+44)(0)2079399946, (+44)(0)7958713320

Weatherwise not otherwise! Get! Popular:-

* 30d, 45d; 12 month subs Br+Ir, Europe, USA.

*100d ahead going forward - B+I, USA, Eu+BI together. 

WELL DONE Weather Action! 

Long Range forecast issued 3 Dec 2024 (6 weeks ahead):

Mid Jan Britain + Ireland Cold blasts then 


LOOK (as issued 3 Dec 2024) +-1day:

10-13 January 2025  Confidence B 75%

Dry, cold becoming less cold, bright afternoons, cold nights. Winds E/SE mod/light.

High North N Sea + Scandinavia. Ridge Ireland and Britain extending into Spain, France, (N) Germany to NE continent.  Low West of Ireland.  Med Low. 

Solar Factors: R2 10-12, R3 13th

14 -17 January 2025  Confidence B 75%

Bri & Ire mostly dry and quite mildS Ire & SW Britain showers.

Low SW of Bri+Ire and Biscay extends into France and (N) Spain.  High Ridge (North) N Sea + W Scandinavia.  Polar Low North+E Scandinavia.  Med Slack.


Solar Factors: R3 14-17th

FEB 2025 is now loaded into BI & Eu 30+45d services

Weather Action Winter month's detailed forecasts Brit+Ireland, Europe and USA have been going very well. 

Ongoing news is on X: @piers_Corbyn

The Cold Blast for Britain 18-21 Dec+-1day has been superbly forecast -
The detailed forecast - a good description of events (with 19-22nd best dates):
18-21 December 2024 Confidence B 75%

"Scotland and North and Midlands Sleet and SNOW, possible blizzards (espec in NE).Ireland and SW Britain rain showers.

N/NW’ly winds espec in East. Major polar Low Britain (+ N Ireland) + West Scandinavia. High West Russia. Spain and West Med High. East Med Lowish. Solar Factors: R4,18-21st


Weather Action long-range forecasts for a variable, getting colder, Britain+Ireland Autumn have been well confirmed.
This follows poor JULY 2024 and dramatically finer AUGUST which also confirmed WeatherAction Long-Range forecasts*.
*See twitter for the public test stated (Speakers Corner) essence of August forecast:

The change in stratospheric wind factors which necessitated special tests and forecast revision from July 2024 have worked very well so we are now confident in producing reliable forcasts out to March 2025 for Br+Ir, Europe & USA (including new regional forecasts for Indiana & S Ontario). This is completing soon and we apologise for delays - Extra forecast access is given in lieu.

Winter months (whole Winter NOW) long-range 
Br+Ir, Europe (inc Scandinavia) all Winter months are loaded.
USA+South Canada and Indiana & South Ontario regional forecasts to JANUARY are loaded.

The All Winter summaries give essential weather development points needed and are very insightful and popular. They also load in 100day and 5month ahead updating services.
The winter forecast is in 22 sections: Dec, Jan, Feb in 8, 7, 7 sections respectively.

WeatherAction WORLD EARTHQUAKE forecast increased risk trials (inc in all 30d & 45d ahead forecasts free) have been going very well. For example the forecast for large quakes (ie Richter scale 6.5+) in period 8-10 Aug was well confirmed by Richter 7.1 quake off Japan - the biggest quake in the world for 20 days.

Go On Line SHOP => Clickheretogetpricesbuy forecasts and donatetoWeatherActionResearch

When you buy, any overlaps with existing subs (inc 100day / 5 month ahead Forecasts) get appropriate free extensions so you don't lose out.

You can also DONATE Directly or do so for Powerpoint of Piers Corbyn's amazing 2017 presentation: Long-Range forecasting and the CO2 Climate Con.

All Services are inclusive of all updates as they arise.

The major contrasts warned by Weather Action for winter 2023-24 due to the Wild Jet stream have been confirmed in Br+Ir, Europe & USA and Indiana single state forecasts. The milder end Jan + start Feb BI & N Europe, Spring 2024, and the dramatic summer switch to fine August were also confirmed

FREE "Man-Made Climate-Change does not exist"

24 page acclaimed science paper booklet by well qualified physicists Piers Corbyn (First class Physics Imperial College and MSc Astrophysics Queen Mary College and elected Fellow Royal Astronomical Society and Corporate member (WeatherAction) of Royal Meteorological Society) and Philip Foster MA (Cambridge).

Download free =>

First published 2019 (as shorter version without Philip Foster's section) by Reading University Debating Society as a guest publication of Piers Corbyn's work.

This acclaimed science paper booklet it's free but you are welcome to donate / buy forecasts via On-Line shop link or give via

- "Your forecast was correct about the May 2023 heatwave. Many thanks for your good work" - Comment from users of our first SouthOntario forecast.

Forecasts for any States in USA & Canada can now be created in addition to Indiana & South Ontario; whereever there is interest. Any interested Text +447958713320

Subscribe for any service and get FREE extra months for any delayed loading. To enquire on extensions access text +447958713320

"Well done Weather Action for spot-on long-range forecast Bri+Ire first fine spell for ages, May 5-9th 2024":-
For info, Forecast: 5-9 MAY 2024. Confidence AB 80%:

Dry warm and very fine. Cloud more variable N Ireland and N/W Scotland. Pressure as 1-4thbut Variable low to NW of Ireland. High Azores-BI. And Variable Low Scandinavia / W Scandinavia. Winds SW’ly; Mod in N/W, Lighter in S/E. Solar Factors: R3 5-7th;R2 8-9th

Top praise for WeatherAction 2024:
A long-standing customer said:
(on Jan 2024) "Models falling EXACTLY in line with your last 1/3rd of January. Even a 'burst of summer' looks on".
(on Feb) "This is extraordinary.....Models are forecasting your next week PRECISELY...."

Jan 27th 2024 Earth-facing Coronal holes CONFIRMING WeatherAction long-range forecast for TopRed R5 period ~25-27 Jan (+-1d) and associated Earth-facing Coronal Holes. WeatherAction forecasts of associated quakes and storms were also confirmed.

The consequential Major storm #Jocelyn confirmed long-range storm forecast detail BI & Europe and corresponding activity USA.

MAJOR earthquakes enhanced risk in sensitive parts of world was confirmed by M6.5 quake in Brazil on morning of 28 Jan ie in forecast period 25-27th+-0.5d. The Brazil location of the quake is consistent with Piers Corbyn's proposition that such EFCH (Earth Facing Coronal Hole) triggered quakes occur in the Earth hemisphere best magnetically connected to the Solar hemisphere of the EFCH.

In this solar cycle 25, an odd cycle, the best SUN-EARTH magnetic connectivity is N-N and S-S. In an even cycle it is N-S and S-N. The EFCH shown is in the S Hemisphere of the Sun and Brazil is in the S Hemisphere of Earth, confirming Corbyn's connectivity proposition. This confirms expectations, as in earlier trials some years ago. Further information will be posted as trials continue.

Weather Action Spot on: Major storms late Dec 2023 BI+Eu confirmed.

Forecast (update - normally month(s) ahead) issued 5th Dec for 26-28 DECEMBER 2023. ConfidenceB75%;- (section from Dec forecast)

Showery and cloudy in most parts then rapidly intensifying rain across Britain & Ireland turning to snow /blizzardsespecially ~28th in North and West. Winds SW’ly then Cyclonic-Cyclonic-N Gales +stormsForce 10/11.

Weak SW to NE ridge over Britain-Ireland is broken by rapidly intensifying powerful Atlantic Low which passes through Ireland and Britain and heads E/NE R3 26-27 R4 28th


Our BI forecasts for a pretty lousy July+Aug 2023 were well confirmed.

The BI Early Oct 2023 Indian Summer spell was superbly confirmed as we forecast months ahead - and it was nothing to do with mankinds's presence on Earth.

Despite some early extra variability our WeatherAction June 2023*** forecast of warm sunny weather was excellently confirmed with pressure patterns forecast and developments issued 30 March 2023 being often confirmed to within a day.

***As example: Here's a forecast. It was well confirmed.***

13-24 JUNE 2023. Confidence B 75%Dry very warm and sunny espec Ireland and West Britain. East coast cooler at times with more variable sky. Winds S’ly light variable in Ireland / West. N’ly light variable in East. High – Azores extension linked to High to North BI. (Blocked jet stream). Active Low Scandinavia. --------

Piers Corbyn said: "THIS has been an important and exciting Spring (2023) and a mixed, overall poor, summer. The forecasts of many cold and wet blasts BI, Eu and Usa have all been well confirmed. The AUTUMN with its high variability proved to be the MUST HAVE we warned of. for anyone involved in farming, gardening, energy trades and commodity futures in Britain & ireland - and Europe and USA". Sample forecasts below.


COMMENT from Piers Corbyn on September & October 2023 BI heat hysteria:

The idea that the so-called incredible (BBC/MetO) heat is exceptional in terms of even the last 50 years is insane. 1976 had 15 consecutive very hot days. This hasn't happened in 2023. There's nothing special about a warm "Indian summer" spell in early October. This one confirms our Weather Action forecast in detail months ahead. Such warm Autumn spells occur quite often in recorded history and have the name "Indian Simmer" spells.

Furthermore the alarmist extreme claims are fraud based on inappropriate stations which suffer from environment and building variation fraud. For example St James Park is changing all the time with varying flower beds, layout, duck colonies etc as well as a huge increase in heat-trapping tall buildings in the area and all over London.

The use of such a place as evidence of any climate change LOL extreme is TOTAL FRAUD and the perpetrators of this scam should be jailed for anti-science propaganda and fraud.

Comment on "Climate Fires"; Piers Corbyn 26 July 2023:

The Holiday island fire Climate alarm stories are LIES. The Alarmist temperatures are ground tarmac surface NOT the normal 2 metre up air Temps and the fires are lit by Climate Retard arsonists and Directed Energy Weapons. See telegram Piers_Corbyn_     StopNewNormal for further comment and a demonstration against Greta Thunberg and Sadiq Khan Sun 30th July 6pm which was very successful

Piers Corbyn, 5 July 2023:

"The Met Office and sidekicks such as the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia Uni are lying about June overall temperatures. The idea June 2023 England / Central England is the warmest on record is a total lie. To any with a living memory June 1976 was warmer.

The problem we have here is the Met Office and CRU compare different data sets AND CHANGE PAST DATA IN ORDER TO COMMIT FRAUD.

The past data (eg for months of 1976) as presented in their currently used "updated / reised/adjusted" data sets is LOWER than as measured at the time. Their data sets are SYSTEMATICALLY ADJUSTED to make temperatures colder in the past and relatiely warmer in current / very recent years"

For Graphs of MetOffice official fraud see lower part of this Telegram link:     Pierscorbyn/3719 -------

Piers Corbyn, 26 June 2023:

"The World Economic Forum and their fake science hirelings and sidekicks have now gone completely mad with desperation to shore-up their failed man-made Climate Change / Global warming fake narrative which underpins so much of their crazed schemes to control us all and depopulate the world.

They're now raging on about 'global heating' when the world is cooling and comparing sea surface temperatures now and 1850 when there were very few measurements and the methods of measuring were completely different.

NOW their so called sea surface temperatures are not even measurements of temperature but satellite     based estimates of precise (LOL?) sea level from which temperatures (the average from sea bottom to surface!!) are DEDUCED BY A COMPUTER (OhOh) MODEL".

"I need to be in Parliament to destroy these and all the other fake-science lies being regurgitated on us all by servile ministers promoting the Great Reset and all the dystopian evil that comes with it.

Please join my campaign to get elected as MP in Uxbridge and South Ruislip 20 July - making that election into a REFERENDUM on the failed political system that has betrayed us all on the last 3 years. Come to our telegram group: PiersCorbyn4Uxbridge&     SouthRuislip . Thank you!"

EVERYTHING we at WeatherAction warned about for Spring 2023 was confirmed. Interestingly the 'Little-Ice-Age' characteristics of more wild jet-stream and blocking tendencies we warned of back in 2008, leading to, eg, more rain in Spain have been very clear this Spring.

Usa Spring wild weather extremes have also confirmed WeatherAction warnings.

After the Met Office consistent data fraud through Winter and Spring (and all last year) no-one believes their fake claims which exist only to justify the deranged "Net Zero", "Climate Emergency" LOL policies of the World Economic Forum. SO for the first time in a decade the Met Office are not spouting utter drivel, but only 70% drivel, on Summer prospects.

While Weather / Climate "Reports" are not independently monitored and reported their is no point in believing any Met-Office or Main Stream media assessments of daily, weekly, monthly or seasonal weather developments.

Piers Corbyn's WeatherAction are the most reliable LONG-RANGE forecasts in the world. They're a must for everything you do!

Beat the Climate-Con and all measures of the New World Tyranny hiding behind it. Download FREE scientific papers by Piers Corbyn & Philip Foster - link below.

FREE "Man-Made Climate-Change does not exist"

24 page acclaimed science paper booklet by well qualified physicists Piers Corbyn (First class Physics Imperial College and MSc Astrophysics Queen Mary College and elected Fellow Royal Astronomical Society and Corporate member (WeatherAction) of Royal Meteorological Society) and Philip Foster MA (Cambridge).

Download free =>https://bit.l     y/30TfVWN

First published 2019 (as shorter version without Philip Foster's section) by Reading University Debating Society as a guest publication of Piers Corbyn's work.

If you take this acclaimed science paper booklet it's free but you are welcome to donate / buy forecasts via On-Line shop link or give

Piers Corbyn, WeatherAction and LetTheUkLive / StopNewNormal are entirely independent and uncorrupted by BillGates, The World Economic Forum / World Health Organisation and Big Tech / Big Pharma influence and take a lead in all science and political forums for EVIDENCE-BASED SCIENCE - The ONLY Science!


MARCH 2023 BI, Eu forecast Notes

The period from 15 March for a few days showed the Greenland High predicted but the N/E wind BI & West Eu also confirmed was not as cold as expected so the forecasted snow was mostly rain. NEVERTHELESS Cold blasts with significant wintriness - hail and some snow - did come later in the month, confirming WeatherAction long range forecasts.

High pressure for BI early March was confirmed in line with the forecast issued 100days ahead, HOWEVER the pattern was displaced West so BI winds were NE'ly instead of S'ly making it COLD not Mild. We apologise for this error. Note normally 5 of every 6 weather periods will be confirmed.

WELL DONE WeatherAction

Incredible Snow and cold USA later Feb and fearsome cold in Siberia January compared with normal confirms Piers Corbyn's WeatherAction warnings of record cold blasts this winter across the N hemisphere.

Unofficially the East Siberia village ESSAY reached -75c (-103F) which is a new worldwide low for outside AntarcticaTongulah Russia has bested its own all time low at -62.7 (-80.9F). These were on Wed 18 Jan 2023.

The wild Jet-stream we predicted and resulting dramatic weather contrasts are being confirmed and new bursts of solar activity coming in from around 3 Jan powered up Low pressure weather systems and enhanced extreme contrasts and events this January.

Cold blast Mid-Jan Britain & West Europe!

As an example the 5 day ahead MetO map below follows to the day what we predicted in WeatherAction European (& Br+Ir) Jan 2023 forecast 115 days ahead (23.10.2022)!

Here's Weather Action detail: "15-17 Jan.Extreme cold and snowy blast /blizzards & thunder Scandinavia, most of (west) Europe and Med.Winds N'ly (NE'ly later in North) / Cyclonic-N'ly. A deep polar Lowplunges South / SE through Britain / West Europe. High to W/SW of Britain-Ireland.15-17th R4 period " {more of forecasts samples below}


SAMPLE FORECAST: Whole of Europe Jan 2023 (extract from Eu-ALL-WINTER-NOW as issued 22 Oct 2022):-

Br+Ire, USA follow similar style. All forecasts have included maps (example links near end of this long column followed by News Release links) but these are not generally in current forecasts unless advertised.

JANUARY 2023 (dates +- 2days) in 7 sections.

1-8 Jan.Extreme cold N Scandinavia & NW Russia. Most of rest of Europe Dry (especially South Scandinavia and N Continental Europe) and cold on mainly E'ly winds. Extensive FOGespec South Europe. High pressure ridge North Britain to South Scand / N Continental Europe. Active polar Low North Scandinavia. Low centred S Europe - Med

9-14 Jan.Very cold and snowy blast espec Scandinavia, Germany & Poland.Often NEly / Cyclonic (in N) flow. Med (espec Italy / Balkans) cold with snow likely. Spain less cold. High Britain; developing cold polar-type Low(s) Scand + N continent.

15-17 Jan.Extreme cold and snowy blast /blizzards & thunder Scandinavia, most of (west) Europe and Med.Winds Nly (NEly later in North) / Cyclonic-Nly. A deep polar Lowplunges South / SE through Britain / West Europe. High to W/SW of Britain-Ireland.15-17th R4 period

18-21 Jan. N Scand & NW Russia Very cold and snowy. NW continental Europe Dry and bright, cold nights. Med some precip inc snow, variable sky.V cold polar Low N Scand, High ridge BI into NW continent Europe, Cold Low Med / S(/SE) Europe.

22-25 Jan.Scandinavia, N+centre+S Europe and most of MedExtreme cold snowy blast.S Russia prob less cold. Active large polar low plunges from Scandinavia into Europe & Italy / Med.

26-28 Jan.Scandinavia Snow; N+ central latitudes Europe Dry bright v cold nights; Med mostly dry variable sky, Fog. High Ridge BI to Russia, Low (North) Scand, Low Med.

29Jan - Feb 1. Scandinavia Dry and very cold, Most of Europe and Med extreme cold and snowy.Spain Dry and relatively mild and bright. High Scandinavia, Large Cold Low most of Europe espec Centre. Higher pressure Med espec West Med / Spain and S France.


WELL DONE! - Everyone is saying about WeatherAction world-leading Long-Range forecasts.

WeatherAction proved right for most of December in Europe (continent + Scandinavia) and USA ad Br+Ire cold and snow blasts as well as "Milder just after mid-Dec." detail in the Br+Ir Long Range Summary issued 14Oct - while standard meteorology numerical super computer models played catch-up.

USA users KNEW the extreme cold polar low blasts (North) Center-East USA from around Nov19 Would (and DID) return later AND BROKE COLD RECORDSEXTREME COLD & MASSIVE SNOW late Feb NE Usa was also well forecast.

Statement re Br+Ir posted 17/18 Dec 2022

WeatherAction is getting more praise for December (summary unchanged from 2 months ago) continuing high accuracy from users while Standard Meteorology*** from world's leading Numerical Weather Prediction super computers flounders and dithers more than 5 days ahead. **This includes the failed science of CO2, and other infra-red absorber-emitters such as oxides of nitrogen, "Greenhouse" effect which is currently the centre-piece of ideological fakery to justify the destruction of agriculture particularly in the Netherlands India, UK and USA - but spreading everywhere - and the economy of the world in anti-democratic destructive policies carried out on behalf of the World Economic Forum by the most servile, pathetic, stupid, corrupt politicians the world has ever seen.

More WeatherAction news & comments are also on twitter @Piers_Corbyn

A B+I CURRENT WEATHER COMMENT (3 Dec 2022) was posted in All BI / BI+Eu / The Whole Lot access boxes. It began:

"The developments of Britain & Ireland weather early December 2022 are very much in line with our summary forecast of 14 Oct (In ALL-WINTER-NOW) and our more detailed update issued 15 Nov 2022. "Significantly the Met Office changed their forecast to snow in early Dec about 3 days ahead; putting it in line with our WeatherAction detailed forecast issued 3 weeks ahead.

The 100d (3-4month ahead) ongoing forecast services are amazing value. Getting 12 month of this service for BI, Eu or Usa keeps you 100d (3-4 months) ahead weatherwise all the time with all updates to end of 12 months hence; AND forecasts but not updates for a further 3months (ie 15months)

BI and Europe 5 month ahead SERVICES

are always at least a month ahead of the 100d (3-4m) service inc 4 extra months without updates continuing beyond the end of the 6m/12m designated subscription length.

We apologise for any delays in loading some services. Subscribers are given one month or more as appropriate free extended access to compensate.

The BI, Eu and Usa forecasts include:-

  • New understanding and commentary on Lunar nodal crossing effects and corresponding interesting Jet-Stream changes and
  • An important note on the escalating general energy and food crises which we warned of a year ahead.

The Advent of Charles III is bringing increasing conflict - and opportunity for debate - because he appears attached to the World Economic Forum tyrannical green ("Terra Carta") agenda of World Dictatorship ("government") - the "New World Order".

WE DEMAND debate on all the issues around this and that King Charles puts his duty to defend the UK Magana Carta before pressures to impose the WEF Terra Carta which would enforce World dictatorship ('government') to administer "Zero-Carbon" policies to Save the Planet LOL and would destroy all basic rights which flow from the Magna Carta. For the latest visit Piers Corbyn's twitter @Piers_Corbyn


JOIN Let The Uk Live YouTube channel. Please join now to boost the numbers to 1,000 so we can Live sSream. Thank you. Please pass this on.


Britain & Ireland and Europe SUMMER 2022 forecasts - in 16 Sections issued 23 April, inc all updates, went very well through June and the start July although Britain and Ireland were less wet and hotter than originally expected in July and much of August.Special updates largely dealt with the matter and led to important research findings.

Europe heatwaves as predicted in circulation patterns carried in B+I forecasts were well followed.

The extra UK, Ireland and west Europe heat especially mid and late July was partly due to a stratospheric wind apparent phase shift which has been investigated and a special update forecast Br+Ir mid Jul to end Aug was issued was loaded into all Br+Ir forecast accesses on site.

An important better understanding of Lunar nodal crossing matters has also been achieved - explaining the 19yr lunar-cycle sequence of hot-spell summers: 1984 (remember the miners' strike summer), 2003 and 2022.

USA comment and forecast late July and early August with news was issued and loaded following (world-wide) clarification of Stratospheric wind issues - tested for Britain& Ireland'



The crazy climate alarmist hysteria - and fake data claiming 'alarming record heat' in UK - led Weather Action and LetTheUkLive to organise Marches for more CO2 23 July and 1st Oct 2022. They were great successes!

The associated leaflet exposing the fact that Man-Made Climate Change Does not exist was posted in all forecast access boxes and included in USA forecast and comment.

It should be noted that none of the claimed UK 'record heat' events of summer 2022 were in reliable long data sets outside of recently exacerbated urban heat islands and recently expanded tarmac laden concretised airports and airstrips warmed by Jet-planes. ALL the BBC-MetOffice climate alarm reports were denied by nearby more reliable less urban-effect distorted sites.

The so-called 38.7C 'record heat' on 25 July 2019 in Cambridge University Botanic Garden (CUBG) was equally fake and denied by nearby longer more reliable data sets not subject to effects of recent new-build to the South/East of the CUBG site.

Piers Corbyn says:

"The claims of meaningful alarming record summer 2022 temperatures are entirely fake and it is an utter disgrace that these are propagated as evidence of a Man-made climate crisis - which does not exist.

"The 2022 summer hotspells were entirely natural and explainable by solar-activity and lunar modulation effects and part of a natural 19yr lunar (nodal) cycle of hotspell summers 1984, 2003, 2022.

"Our WeatherAction SLAT (Solar Lunar Action Technique) forecasting method is the world leader in long range (months and years ahead) forecasting and has proven peer-reviewed significant skill.

"The BBC, Met Office and fake climate science operations in universities and corrupted "professional" societies around the world are now servile excrescences of the World Economic Forum. They are an utter disgrace to the integrity of science and humanity and along with the World Economic Forum and their shadow World government the World Health Organisation they must be destroyed and those responsible put-on trial.

"We, WeatherAction long range forecasters and LetTheUkLive campaign organisation and peoples's political Party CHALLENGE all** and any of the protagonists of the so-called crises of Climate and Covid-virus to public debate.

"They have so far refused and violent attempts have been made to prevent us speaking to challenge the narrative of lies on Climate and 'Covid' - eg at Manchester Peterloo 203rd anniversary 14 August where Piers Corbyn was an invited platform speaker. Nevertheless, we press on relentlessly"

** ie Govt 'scientists', Met Office, BBC, IPCC, Just-Stop-Oil / Truth & Justice campaign (of Jeremy Corbyn) / XR, The Royal Society, Imperial College, Trade Union leaders and World Economic Forum

Info: HM The Queen's Platinum Jubilee extended weekend update THURSDAY 2nd to SUNDAY 5th JUNE 2022 which was updated 30 May for special considerations following important forecast commentary in LATE MAY, went very well.

WeatherAction Blogs

TOP Well informed Comments. Join in!

WeatherAction Weather and Climate blog renewed 29Dec 2021
For your weather obs and news and comment. Thank you in advance for your contribution

BLOG: The fight for democracy & accountability in Science & Politics - ConVirus, ClimateCon etc
We are now in WW3 with the Cabal who are using their ConVirus and 5G + enhanced 4G3G via #BillGatesOfHell, backed by their ClimateLies to impose a NewWorldOrder of world fascism. JOIN DISCUSSION HERE (Renewed 28April 2020)

Winter 2021-22 News:

Piers Corbyn's WeatherAction late FEB 2022 LONG-RANGE storm forecast brilliantly confirmed     !

A RECORD THREE named storms (Dudley, Eunice, Franklin) in one week (the first time it's happened since the Named storm system began 7 years ago) hit Britain, Ireland and Europe in our Weather Action Top-Red R4 AND R5 period FEB 19-23 (18-24 in 1d uncertainties allowance). Very strong damaging (deadly) winds and snow-blizzards predicted were confirmed

Our WeatherAction Long Range forecast for major storms in Ireland, Britain - especially N/NE parts - and Europe in the late Jan early Feb period was also excellently confirmed



Piers Corbyn famous Video presentation to the Bundestag, German Parliament, Environment Cttee 6 Nov 2019 on the delusion & fraud of so-called Man-Made ClimateChange     watch?v=S1jRH-SHcNo143k+ views

The complete session on official video:

Climate Emergency Master Class - Piers Corbyn 4 vids:

We are in a crucial moment in the history of the UK, Europe and the world. The false narrative of so-called Man-made Climate-Change underpins the whole evil tax, oppress and world control project of the Globalist mega-Corporations and mega rich. This new class of 4 videos filmed by Miles Johnstone will help arm you in the urgent emergency fight for truth. THESE HAVE BEEN TAKEN DOWN BY You-tube but we are endeavouring to re-access them.

Class1     ediOs

Class2     7hkOPkmzm2w

Class3     7UTeODSKigo

Class4     AF9VHvqOn-0

Brill Interview - Sargon of Akkad (150k+ views to 5.12.19) Piers Corbyn on Extinction-Rebellion+politics

Piers Corbyn +AliceGrant VID Make ExtinctionRebellion Extinct! - Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, 22 Sep YouTube     6k+ views 15.12.19


  • VIDEO Make #ExtinctionRebellion extinct protest, WestminsterBridge 20Sept 2019 and VIDEO JamesWhale 20 Sept 2019 PiersCorbyn +AliceGrant +More GO=>@Action4Life_
Piers Corbyn's SeminalPresentation** at Glastonbury Symposium 28July 2019
- extended from many of his presentations before & used as key Reference for Piers Corbyn+Philip Foster's brilliant paper "Man-Made Climate change does Not Exist" Reading Uni Debates society booklet (link above)
Download the presentation=>     2GA0MQ <=

Piers' presentation includes an amazing slide on comparative success in tackling unsolved fundamental problems in modern theoretical particle physics, general relativity and dark matter which was first presented to Poly of North London Astronomical Forum (PonLaf) by Piers in discussion with the inspiration, founder and leader of Ponlaf, the late Matthew Hepburn, RIP, at a special meeting at his home in summer 2019.
"Ponlaf died with Matthew Hepburn and the Covid lockdowns but we owe it to Matthew to give it a re-birth in some form to defend science against the onslaught of New World Tyranny fake science" says Piers - phone Piers 07958713320
------------------------------     -

As support for the virus narrativefalls (Feb / March 2022) the BigPharma-BillGates cabal has desperately launched a 100day Jab program scheme and the UN-IPCC have hatched yet another insane deluded climate alarm report which is being used to promote the insane idea of climate induced plandemics and promote the 100day JAB program.

STOP the 100day JAB program! END fake Climate driven Pandemic Scare! Download LetTheUkLive News 2.3.22:     resource/data/wact1/docs/     ClimatePlandemicConLeaflet.pdf

Important WeatherAction Forecast hits summer 2021:

Piers Corbyn's WeatherAction long range forecast issued May 31st 2021 for a generally lousy summer in Britain and Ireland was well confirmed. Britain+Ireland detailed forecast users have seen the superb confirmation of WeatherAction JULY forecast for thunder and floods which explicitly mentioned the TopRed R5 period July12-13+-1day for extreme activity - and indeed Deluges, FLOODS and Thunder hit July 12. The mixed bag August was also confirmed. *Funnel cloud Bedford 12 July BRILLIANT CONFIRMATION OF PiersCorbyn's warning (4 weeks ahead) of high risk of tornadic type developments July 12-13+-1day in his predicted top solar factors "R5" period*

THANK YOU FOR pre-Xmas 2021 actions

Piers Corbyn says THANK YOU ALL FOR SUPERB SUPPORT IN TERRIBLE TIMES - SUCH AS OF A 01.15am Territorial Support Group police arrest of him near his home on Sun 19Dec on the direct orders of the Home secretary for making a joke about MPs Offices outside Downing Street on Wed 15 Dec at which the police laughed and the inspector had wished him a Merry Xmas. See (link below) for links to related events (eg Court case Thurs Feb3)

To get Piers' Press Release on the matter and related campaigns go to https://www.stopnewnormal.     net/post/piers-corbyn-     statement-regarding-his-     arrest-for-encouraging-arson-     on-19-12-21

Piers Corbyn's 40,000 strong Twitter account is closed by twitter - and the BBC and the main media are blocking reportage of Piers Corbyn. This, following a desperate attempt to stop Piers winning more votes in the London Mayor elections, is to suppress the truth about the Covid, jabs and Climate stories. Go to for Report on the campaign and results.

Piers Corbyn's FaceBook, What'sApp & Telegram is operating. To find Piers' latest news and campaign event information opposing the NewNormal / NewWorldOrder Great Reset go to sites above and: ,     corbynstopnewnormal,     SOT7hTGV7rNiANNx (telegram)


World Food supply has become very LOW due to Little Ice Age crop damage and reduction of growing areas - as we at WeatherAction warned of years ago - and by continuing deliberate sabotage of supply chains and production (eg in India) by World Economic Forum Great Reset / NewWorldOrder world population reduction policies. THE UKRAINE CRISIS is an excuse for further WEF/New World Tyranny measures

Read reports on social media of our SW speaking tour - at the G7 in Cornwall June 11, Glastonbury June 12 and Swindon June 13 and loads more in July.

On Monday AUGUST 23 2021 we had a great Special action against Climate Lockdowns Trafalgar Sq

Early 2021 Weather NEWS;

Piers Corbyn says: "Our 2021 February, March, April, May, June, July and August forecasts were a major success and those who saw our March Br+Ir forecasts (which were also loaded in March into Europe access for information) and our predicted south shifted 'polar vortex' were well prepared". Extreme cold blasts USA were also given vital warnings.

Jan, Feb and March 2021 weather was exciting and the strangest times ever UK, EU, USA! The Thames froze over at Teddington Weir in mid-Feb - the first time since 1963, in line with Piers Cobyn's solar-lunat 58year beat period - and more wild cold blasts came as we warned in our forecasts for both sides of Atlantic late Feb - start March.

We are seeing more important dramatic new (stratospheric) developments in Solar-Cycle 25 (which started July 2020) as the world goes further into New Little-Ice-Age circulation.


Past Info for the record - previous Update news: The BI Winter Summary was put in BI 45d+30d BI and BI+Eu access boxes for extra access to Feb. Br+Ire 150d ahead Dec 2020, after being subject to re-check, was expected to be most reliable for Dec 2020 compared with other possibilities and was therefore posted in BI and BI+Eu 30d+45d forecast options and was used as the basis for BI 30d FULL forecast and (the choices) used for Eu and Usa 30d FULL forecasts issued.

(INFO) Previous update: Important Forecast Production News 17Nov 2020
Stratospheric Wind options switches leading to forecast errors have been resolved and forecast amendments and updates were made.
Update on updateSwitchback (see page one of 30dFULL BI, Eu and Usa forecasts) The choices used for 150d ahead BI now appear to be best so were used as best basis for December. Dec, Jan and Feb (New set) forecast (updates) are issued / will be issued firstly for Br+Ir and Eu then for Usa. We profoundly apologize for delays but please note all who have suffered late forecasts can get forecast credits and new advances will eventually lead to trial forecasts for Australia, NewZealand and China.

DOWNLOADS of StopOrGo, BetterWayCharter UNMASK and WarOnVax campaign leaflets via www.StopNewNormal.netor

Poster pdf and TAKE THE FIGHT TO YOUR MP and COUNCILLORS with a download of the poster and a standard letter:

Standard letter for BetterWayCharter is:

Fantastic Leaflet pdf download:     2FqZWrQ


Top leaflet #StopNewNormal SaveLives     36IWySh

Download pdf and use superb links Purple highlights = vital 5G4G3G-Covid connections.

Past Sample forecasts for info:

Br+Ir FULL 30d NOVEMBER 2019 6 periods 2019 - 5 pages inc graph

Europe FULL 30d NOVEMBER 2019 6 periods     - 7 pages maps + words

USA FULL 30d NOVEMBER 2019 6 periods     - 8 pages maps + words

Europe LongerAhead 40d/120d DECEMBER 2019 5 periods     This is similar 1page format to most of longer range. Note end Dec Mediterranean snow - good forecast.

  • ALL past forecasts forany service available via service access boxes.
  • Archives via home page tab also carry past forecasts (but filed later)

Fore-warned is fore-armed for farming, holidays, travel, commodity trades, energy prices, wholesale, retail, fishing, flying, shipping, yachting, surfing, trains, sport driving, flying delays & turbulence (in WeatherAction R5/R4     RedWarnings)......

Access to forecasts is immediate via Subscribers button on Home page using your Username (eg Email) & Password chosen on subscription

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